Friday, April 7, 2017

Week of April 10th

PARCC testing will continue this week. Please remind your child to have a fully charged Chromebook each day.

Important Dates
April 11-13 Math PARCC test
April 14- No School
April 17 No School Institute Day

Reading: The students will continue to read The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane.  They will continue to complete journal responses in their Chromebooks. There will be an open book quiz on Chapters 11-14 on Monday. It is important the students make sure they refer back to the pages referred to on the quiz to help answer the questions. This is a skill we have been working on in class.

We will also have a Time For Kids next week. The quiz will be given on Thursday.

Spelling:  Spelling packets for this week were sent home on Friday.  The prefixes "im-", "in-", and "un-" are the focus of this week's spelling lesson. In addition to the list of words to spell, students will study the meaning of these prefixes and how they change the meaning of the root words that they are attached to. The final test is scheduled for Thursday, 4/13.

Social Studies:  We will continue our study of the Southwest.  The students will continue to work on a travel brochure for one of the southwest states. The brochure is due on Wednesday, April 12th. We will also read and learn about the climate of the Southwest.

Science:  We will continue chapter 4,  The Human Body. This week we will read and learn about the nervous system and the skeletal system.

Mrs. Bucklin's Math Class:  We will continue Unit 6, Multiplication, Division, Data and Fractions. The students will be taking the Math PARCC test on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.