Friday, March 23, 2018

Week of April 3rd

Important Dates:
Mon, Mar 26th  Spring Break begins
Tues, April 3rd - Classes resume

Reading:   The students will continue to read The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane. This week's journal response will ask How is Edward beginning to change?  We will also continue to work on vocabulary slides. A comprehension quiz for chapters 7-10 will be given on Thursday.

Spelling:   Unit 24 - Greek & Latin Roots
This week's words each contain the root "auto", "homo", "tract" or "phobia". We will study the meaning of these roots and how to determine the meaning of a word that contains them. The final Test is scheduled for Friday, 4/6.

Social Studies:   We will continue our study of the Southwest.  The students will continue to work on a travel brochure for one of the southwest states. We will also read and learn about the climate of the Southwest.

Science: We will complete chapter 17, Simple Machines.  The students will be given an assignment to construct a catapult on Wednesday.  Please ask your child about the specific instructions in building their catapult.  We will have our marshmallow catapult contest on  Thursday, April 12th.  The chapter test will be given Friday, April 6th.

Mrs. Bucklin's Math Class:  We will continue Unit 6, Multiplication, Division, Data and Fractions.  There will a checkpoint quiz on Thursday which will cover Module one.