Friday, March 3, 2017

Week of March 6th

Important Dates:
March 3--End of Trimester 2
March 27--Spring Break begins

Reading: This week we will continue our "Journeys" Unit. We will begin reading the novel The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. This story tells the tale of a china rabbit who goes on an adventure and learns how to love. We will begin by close reading an excerpt from the first chapter.

English:   We will focus on adjectives in our writing this week. We will also learn the correct way of ordering adjectives when describing a noun. 

Spelling:  Unit 22 - An adjective is a word that describes a noun. This week's lesson consists of a collection of adjectives and a review of similes and metaphors. The final test is scheduled for Friday, 3/10.

Social Studies:   Just Look State books are due on Tuesday. Students will present their books on Thursday and Friday.  We will also read and learn how  the Ojibwa have maintained cultural traditions and have contributed to the Midwest.

Science:  We will continue chapter 3,  Adaptations.   We will  read and learn how instinctive behaviors and learned behaviors can help animals survive. Animals can migrate or hibernate to avoid severe weather. We will also learn how fossils form and how animals of the past compare with those of today.

Mrs. Bucklin's Math Class:  We will complete Unit Five Geometry and Measurement.  The unit test is  Tuesday, March 14th.  A practice test will be sent home on Friday. This will help the students prepare for the test.

Have a great week!