February 27--Six Flags Reading Logs Due
March 2-- No School Institute Day
Reading: We will continue our "Journeys" Unit. We will complete the story of Grandfather's Journey. The students will be taking an open book comprehension quiz on Wednesday. Later on the week the students will close read and analyze the song, The River.
Time For Kids: There will not be a quiz this week.
Spelling: Unit 20 - Homographs
This week's list includes homographs, which are sets of words that are spelled the same but have multiple meanings (Examples: bank or ring). The final test is scheduled for Thursday, 3/1.
Social Studies: Just Look State books are due on Tuesday. Presentations will take place on Tuesday and Thursday. Students should practice their presentations at home. We will also read and learn how the Ojibwa have maintained cultural traditions and have contributed to the Midwest.
Mrs. Bucklin's Math Class: We will continue Unit Five Geometry and Measurement. There will be a Checkpoint quiz on Tuesday, February 27th. The students should know how to use a protractor and also be able to identify the different types of angles. They have a Math Journal in Google classroom which can help them prepare for the quiz. A study sheet was also sent home on Friday.
Mrs. Bucklin's Math Class: We will continue Unit Five Geometry and Measurement. There will be a Checkpoint quiz on Tuesday, February 27th. The students should know how to use a protractor and also be able to identify the different types of angles. They have a Math Journal in Google classroom which can help them prepare for the quiz. A study sheet was also sent home on Friday.